Friday, May 31, 2019

Airport Observation Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Description

The heart begins racing the moment the car pulls into the airport parking lot. The smell of jet fuel, automobile exhaust, and hot tarmac combine to lash out the senses with images of exotic escapes and the kind of freedom that can only come from airports. I feel the thrum of the engines at takeoff and the vibration of the plane during the flight in my skin. I see people listening to MP3s and playing video games. I hear the couple behind me chatting about the weather in Florida and the possibility of rain. I recognize the smell of fading perfume that women are wearing. Chanel, Windsong and White Diamonds clash with the smell of popcorn and Quizno sandwiches.The whir of wheels on marble and concrete mixed with the mechanical, barely pleasant, voice on the public address system calling for someone to go to the nearest courtesy phone, or announcing that flight 896 is now boarding at gate 11. Underneath the functional surface is an undercurrent of excitement, anticipation, impatie nce, and boredom. I hear snippets of conversation from people passing me on their way to the next gate...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

generalized anxiety disorder Essay -- essays research papers

Generalized Anxiety DisorderGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a chronic and often disabling condition that is associated with uncontrollable botheration and tension. The vicious cycle of anxiety and worry interferes with relationships, careers, and education, and often leads to depression. This disorder is much more than the normal anxiety that everyone experiences from time to time, and can be crippling in its severity. GAD is unlikely to disappear without proper treatment, and often worsens over time.Physical manifestations of GAD often include headaches, trembling, twitching, fatigue, irritability, frustration, muscle tension, and inability to concentrate. Sleep disturbances may besides occur. Individuals suffering from this disorder may appear to be always tense and unable to relax, or may startle more easily than others. Often they mogul seem to be constantly moving or fidgeting, unable to sit comfortably through a movie without worrying well-nigh something else that nee ds to be done.Some research suggests that GAD may run in families, and it Generalized Anxiety Disordermay grow worse during times of stress. Symptoms can attempt at any age, but the risk is highest between childhood and middle age. GAD affects about 4 million adult Americans. Women are twice as likely to be affected than men. The disorder usually comes on gradually, although it can be suddenly triggered by a childhood psychological trauma, the death of a loved one, divorce, and losing or changing a job. DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria1.Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance). 2.The person finds it difficult to control the worry. 3.The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the succeeding(a) six symptoms (with at least some symptoms present for more days than not for the past 6 months). Note Only one item is involve in childre n.-restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge-being easily fatigued -difficulty concentrating or sense going blank-irritability-muscle tension-&nb... ...he anxiety the patient is having. There are many studies pertaining to generalized anxiety disorder. The studies examine the genetic and environmental risks for major anxiety disorders, their course-both alone and when they occur along with other diseases such as depression-and their treatment. Like heart disease and diabetes, these brain disorders are complex and belike result from a combination of genetic, behavioral, developmental, and other factors. Much of the research of anxiety centers on the amygdale, an almond-shaped organize deep within the brain. The amygdale is believed to serve as a communications hub between the parts of the brain that process incoming sensory signals and the parts that interpret them. Other research focuses on the hippocampus, another brain structure that is responsible for processing threatening or traumatic stimuli. By learning more about brain circuitry involved in fear and anxiety, scientists may be able to devise new and more specific treatments for anxiety disorders. Researchers are attempting to learn how genetics and experience interact in each of the anxiety disorders-information they bank will yield clues to prevention and treatment.

Essay --

The Inevitable War World war I was a war of tragic loss amid the dead, the wounded, and the missing. The war was between the allied forces, (France, Britain, United States, Russia) and the central powers, (Ottoman empire, Austria-Hungary, and Germany). Many people when learning about World War I in class or in books dont see or understand the conglomeration of events that attributed to the start of this war. There was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Increase in imperialism, nationalism, the arms race, and many more(prenominal) factors from years before 1914 that led to the break out of WWI. In many cases the world was growing and countries were becoming greedy and power hungry, There were no main(prenominal) groundss for the war. Rather a number of jumbled events that led to the inevitability of World War I. In years leading to the start of World War I in 1914 there were many factors that contributed to the outbreak of the great war as the people of that time calle d it. There neither was nor still is a first, second, third reason war broke out, it was a long time coming of events that were happening in the world. The Alliances in WWI had been mapped out long before this war, due to previous wars. In his Article The Origins of the First World War William Mulligan clearly maps out the alliances of the central powers and the Alliance powers. The block of alliances as Mulligan puts it started to be put together in 1879. These countries would sign treaties with genius another to strengthen their security of an area. A couple years prior to the WWI outbreak a few countries some ally some not worked together to calm down tensions in the Balkans. Though it was not as successful as it was thought out to be, though it did suffice keep th... ... and to have more resources than the enemy. In the 19th century the advancement of weaponry, technology and economic standing, proved to be too tense and when you pass on all the events leading up to 1914 t ogether you get one big bubble that just has gotten too big for itself and is ready to burst at the seams with one more event or reason for countries to show whose bigger and better. The idea of peace is something everyone in the world likes to think is real, though in reality munificence is too arrogant and greedy to be able to settle their differences whether it be color of skin, whose got a bigger navy/gun. World War I was conclusion of this fact that war is inevitable. Even through diplomatic strategies and peace treaties there will always be someone whether it be a country in whole or one individual that will be there to tip the balance when the bubble get too big.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Beowulf and the Dragon :: Anglo Saxon Strength Poems Essays

Beowulf and the DragonBeowulf is a poem about strength and courage. This is illustrated in the eighth section of the story called Beowulf and the Dragon. A slave, a hero and a dragon play a big role in this section. The characters are well developed, as is the setup for the conclusion of the poem. In the scene, Beowulf and the Dragon, a slave guilty of wrongdoing has to steal to earn his freedom and be forgiven for what he has done wrong. The slave decides to steal a beautiful cup to pay off his mistaking, which was probably murder. The slave does not realize that he is stealing from the dragon until he actually sees the dragon. The slave immediately knows that it is an enormous mistake to anger the dragon, but he panics and leaves with the cup. When the dragon awakes after three hundred years of sleep, he discovers that his cup has been stolen. The dragon, also known as the worm, fills with anger and rage. even so though he is so angry, he does like the idea of battle Yet he took joy in the thought of war, in the work of bit (Donaldson 40). The dragon cannot wait to ravage the land of the people where one man has stolen from him The hoard-guard waited restless until evening came then the barrow-keeper was in rage he would requite that unusual drinking cup with vengeful fire (Donaldson 40). The dragon destroys the land and kills everyone around. The dragon even destroys Beowulfs home. When Beowulf finds out about his home being destroyed, he decides that he is going to kill the dragon himself. Although Beowulf is very old at this point, he still has the confidence to slay the dragon. Beowulf has been king for fifty years, and he knows that all of his experiences in battle is enough for him to defeat the dragon. This is the first scene in where we see Beowulf as an old man. The poem skips fifty years between the first and secondment parts, and this scene picks up after the fifty-year gap. This scene also sets up Beowulfs last great battle, which happens wit h the dragon. This scene also describes Anglo-Saxon beliefs. The scene shows how the people, and the dragon, love to fight. It is their flair of life. It also shows a little bit of the law.

International Laws Essay -- International Law

First coined by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, outside(a) law is customarily recognized as the law that regulates the affairs amid sovereign states, the beginning(a) issue of international law. Public international law only concerns itself with the issues of rights involving a number of nations, or nations and its people, or matters of other nations. It differs from private international law, which deals with dissimilarity between private individuals, natural and/or juridical, by developing from circumstances that have a noteworthy relationship to more than one nation. (Brownlee, 2008) International law contains the needed and typical notions of law in the national legal systems status, property, obligation, and tort. (Hall, 2010) According to Ian Brownlee, this also incorporates substantive law, procedure, process and remedies. (2008) International law is deep-seated with the agreement of the nation states which represents the system. there are six major essential secti ons of international law international economic law, international criminal law, international environmental law, international security law, international humanitarian law (or law of war), diplomatic law and international human rights law. (Hall, 2010) However, conventional and customary laws are the primary sources of international law. Customary law and laws that are set by an international understanding have an equivalent authority just as international law. (Schmidt, 2008) Political parties may allocate a high precedence to another source by way of agreeance. Conversely, various rules of international law are acknowledged by the international population as authoritative, allowing no exemption from the rule. (Brownlee, 2008) Such rules... ... multilateral agreements that govern the interactions of nations and international businesses and the nongovernmental organizations worldwide. Without such laws and organizations, many societies would end up with extremely corrupt governme nts and the risk of being in a continuous war with other nations would be highly probable. Works CitedBrownlee, I. (2008). Principles of public international law. Birsfelden Oxford University Press.Hall, K. (2010). Jus gentium- law of nations. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Law, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Retrieved from http//, S. (2008). What are the causes of international conflicts?. stonemason Cengage Learning PublicationsUn public administration programme. (2010). Retrieved from http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Our Duties to Animals and the Poor Essay -- Argumentative, McGinn

In this essay, I will discuss if our actions towards animals argon immoral. McGinn discusses his reasons shortly, assuming that he is correct. He title of respects that, we have a moral duty to relieve the suffering, and cease the killing, of the animals with which we have traffic (McGinn 150). This is the structure of his argument(1) It is morally wrong to cause the suffering and conclusion of animals unnecessarily (2) We do cause the suffering of and death of animals unnecessarily.Therefore(3) What we do to animals is morally wrong.As my thesis, I will reject his claim, and his arguments that support such claim I shall call his allegation Claim X. Though objecting to this claim seems intuitively horrendous, I belief that his argument does not demonstrate the correct suit for readers to be able to empathize with his views. In this paper, I will critically object to McGinns fundamental argument, by illustrating the flaws of his supporting claims. After his supporting claims ar s een as fallacious, I shall demystify such key argument. Finally, to finish on a good note, I will propose an alternative view on the matter. To start, I want to first define the terms, as he has on his article. By the term suffering, McGinn defines them as the following Eating meat, hunting, vivisection, and fur coats, and the bid (McGinns 151). For the like, I propose he meant, other activities such as owning animals, using them for entertainment, or work. To support his argument, he poses the following three points. First, he asserts that our uses of animals do not justify our means. Second, he believes that it is our moral duty to not cause any unnecessary suffering on animals. Third and last, he claims that it is erroneous to commemorate of a... ... destroy the environment by destroying the animals. If it is our moral duty to preserve the environment, then it is our moral duty to preserve the species that come with it. Therefore, it is morally incorrect to allow those species to be used as production material.Wrapping up, McGinns Claim X fails, it is not our duty to relieve the suffering and stop the killing of animals, which we have dealings with. Claim X fails because, McGinns supporting points do not have enough strength to support the three-premise argument. Since the argument for Claim X is not sustained, we are susceptible to believe that our duty towards animals end when we restrain from abusive, violent, or destructive behavior but not when animals provide us with benefits that are intrinsic to them. In conclusion, our current interactions with animals do not portray an immoral behavior.

Our Duties to Animals and the Poor Essay -- Argumentative, McGinn

In this essay, I will discuss if our actions towards animals are im chasteistic. McGinn discusses his reasons shortly, assuming that he is correct. He claims that, we have a moral commerce to relieve the scurvy, and cease the killing, of the animals with which we have dealings (McGinn 150). This is the structure of his argument(1) It is morally wrong to cause the suffering and death of animals unnecessarily (2) We do cause the suffering of and death of animals unnecessarily.Therefore(3) What we do to animals is morally wrong.As my thesis, I will reject his claim, and his arguments that support much(prenominal) claim I shall call his allegation conduct X. Though objecting to this claim seems intuitively horrgoalous, I belief that his argument does not demonstrate the correct grounds for readers to be able to empathize with his views. In this paper, I will critically object to McGinns fundamental argument, by illustrating the flaws of his documentation claims. After his supportin g claims are seen as fallacious, I shall demystify such key argument. Finally, to finish on a good note, I will propose an alternative view on the matter. To start, I want to first find out the terms, as he has on his article. By the term suffering, McGinn defines them as the following Eating meat, hunting, vivisection, and fur coats, and the like (McGinns 151). For the like, I propose he meant, other activities such as owning animals, using them for entertainment, or work. To support his argument, he poses the following three points. First, he asserts that our uses of animals do not justify our means. Second, he believes that it is our moral duty to not cause any unnecessary suffering on animals. Third and last, he claims that it is erroneous to think of a... ... destroy the environment by destroying the animals. If it is our moral duty to preserve the environment, then it is our moral duty to preserve the species that come with it. Therefore, it is morally incorrect to allow tho se species to be used as production material. swathe up, McGinns Claim X fails, it is not our duty to relieve the suffering and stop the killing of animals, which we have dealings with. Claim X fails because, McGinns supporting points do not have enough strength to support the three-premise argument. Since the argument for Claim X is not sustained, we are susceptible to believe that our duty towards animals end when we restrain from abusive, violent, or destructive behavior but not when animals provide us with benefits that are intrinsic to them. In conclusion, our current interactions with animals do not acquaint an immoral behavior.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Bilingual Person Essay

Decades ago, being bilingualist was an aspect of an individual that made them stand erupt from the otherwises and be dissimilar. What if I tell you that in this modern society, being bilingual is except being sensation of the many thousands? A bilingual person is one who has the knowledge or intelligence of knowing two or more wordings. However, there are different levels and stages of bilingualism. at that place is individual bilingualism which is when a person knows his/her stick tongue and another language that is used in society, as well as elective bilingualism which is a person who chooses to learn a new language. There also is circumstantial bilingualism which describes a person that learns another language in order to survive, and many others. Even though, bilingualism has a variety of degrees and aspects it simply describes those persons who can chat two or more languages.In todays society, bilingualism is being misunderstood since people think that a person who is bilingual is a high-flown phenomenon. In fact, studies have shown that more than half of the worlds population is currently bilingual. For example, I am currently living in Venezuela (Spanish speaking country) from which I am now blogging in position. Nevertheless, this doesnt mean that being bilingual isnt a musical note that people have acquired, in my point of view, I call it a gift. An interesting fact of bilingualism is that it is currently found in all parts of the world and it isnt stereotypical of any culture or society. In fact, bilingualism can be found at all levels of ethnic groups or society and in all age groups.Being a bilingual myself, I can speak from personal experience that becoming bilingual isnt the hardest barrier that one will have to cross through life. It is indeed a smooth ride to another culture and dialect that will be helpful whenever it isnt expected. Bilingualism doesnt make you stand out. However, you opinion provoke and confident just like a l ittle boy with a new toy to be able to communicate with several people from different parts of the world. It makes you whole step intelligent and important. I believe that those people who are bilingual are more confident and secure of themselves when they have to travel to an inexplicable place. This is because those who are bilingual have the ability to defend themselves in different languages which one could speak in that unknown place.For those people who are bilingual and feel alienated because of their insufficient language ability, you must re-establish that thought and raise your confidence. I have had the opportunity to travel to many different places in the world. This has allowed me to utilize my quality to the world and thus aiding myself in various scenarios. I have used my English skills to communicate in France, England, China my Spanish in Angola, United States and even off in Italy. The point is that in todays society bilinguals are being misinterpreted due to th eir lack of confidence. That quality of being bilingual is being bewildered throughout the years due to peoples negative characteristics and personalities such as discrimination.There is a phenomenon known as code-switching which bilinguals tend to suffer from. I find very interesting how some bilinguals are often code-switching from one language to another. Code-switching is a verbal skill that requires an extensive degree of linguistic competence in more than one language, rather than a defect arising from insufficient knowledge of one or the other. Even though code-switching goes beyond that imperfection of linguistic competence and inadequate knowledge, it is commonly used in that sense. I have been several times in those situations that I have had to use another language in order to express myself. As stated before, this is caused because of the insufficient knowledge of one language.I clearly remember this instance I code-switched in France. I was at a restaurant, and I want ed to ask the waitress what was the meaning of a word in the menu but my English just didnt come out. I remember I started speaking in Spanish then I switched to Portuguese until I finally spoke in English and found out what I needed to know about the menu. It was a very embarrassing moment that I will always remember. However, I did feel embarrassed but, luckily I am a bilingual and I was able to go through this experience.You consider yourself one of the other millions or billions? tiret, you must be proud of what you know and of what you have improved throughout the years. Yes, you are a well-rounded bilingual If you feel indifferent or just one more in the world, imagine what those people who arent bilingual think of their selves. Are they chipmunks? Are they cannibals? No, they are normal people that unfortunately wear upont have the extraordinary quality that you have which is being bilingual.In other words bilingualism is a gift, a personal enrichment and a passport to othe r cultures. One never regrets knowing several languages but one can certainly regret not knowing enough. That is why if you have struggled or worked your way in order to learn a new language, be proud of yourself and embrace the world with your quality.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Cuneiform And Hieroglyphics Essay

The invention of writing was an important part of the development of Sumer and Egypt. There are many similarities and differences to the writings of each of these civilizations.The Sumerians authentic a writing called cuneiform. Cuneiform is the oldest scripted language in existence. Each picture represents a living or nonliving thing.Cuneiform was written on clay tablets with a wedge-shaped instrument called a stylus. Henry Creswicke Rawlinson was the first person to decipher the meanings of cuneiform. He did so in 1846. Cuneiform eventually propagate throughout the region and was adopted by many other early civilizations.The Egyptians developed a writing that they named hieroglyphics. The word hieroglyphic means ?sacred inscriptions? because they were lots written on the walls of temples. Hieroglyphics were created about 5000 years ago. There are not any vowels, only consonants. There is also no punctuation.In 1799, the Rosetta rock music was discovered. The Rosetta Stone was t he secret to discovering the meanings of hieroglyphics. On the Rosetta Stone there were three sections of print, each saying the same thing but in different languages. At the top, the paragraph was written in hieroglyphics. Second, it was written in Demotic. Lastly the paragraph was written in Ancient Greek. By reading the ancient Greek word and names, the other paragraphs could be deciphered. Twenty-three years after it?s discovery, Jean-FranVois Champollion figured out what the hieroglyphics meant. Hieroglyphics are pictures that represent a letter.In both civilizations, mostly only scribes knew how to read and write. be a scribe was a very honorable profession. People who were to become scribes went to school for many years starting at a young age. The profession of being a scribe was passed down through families if a boy?s father was a scribe, he would become one also.Because children needed to be taught to read and write when they were tobecome scribes, schools were created. withaltually, these schools became more than centers of just learning the art of reading and writing, but they also became centers of learning of botany, astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.People becoming more literate person and more knowledgeable helped greatly in the development of the civilizations. Both writings, cuneiform and hieroglyphics, were invented to improve the record keeping of the civilization. By having a written language, Egypt and Sumer could kept records, make up contracts and official documents, record laws and legal judgments, and record sales. As time went on, being able to write also enabled people to write down formulas, procedures, legends, prayers, and hymns.Even though there were many differences between cuneiform and hieroglyphics, there were many similarities. These similarities caused writing to be important in the growth of Sumer and Egypt.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Case Study on Cost Efficiency

Introduction It is non easy to compete in the trade immediately. go prices, shifting fuel rates, global competition, varying labor rates around the world, and spiraling health insurance exists guide made salute keep a moving target. Some measures it seems that a caller gets one set of expenses under control, and in the meantime, a nonher ara of the comp whatever begins experiencing appeal everywhereruns. It is a neer ending battle to maintain comp whatever softenability. The importance of appeal efficiency programs deep down a company back end non be overstated.Companies that argon losing money, need to increase remune proportionalityns, or must move more competitive need to sleep with expenses in methodicalness to succeed. Knowing how to implement effective cost reduction strategies can be the determining factor in the survival of a business line. E genuinely organization strives to knock down cost and accomplishment of work at minimum re fountains to gain utmost output and financial performance. Cost efficiency is a measure of the level of resources apply to create a given level of point of intersection value.How much resources ar being habitd to create an optimum and defined level of outcomes need to work out to determine the cost of resources and cost of ultimate output it brings in existence. Company can offer lower price carrefour for its customer benefits or can deliver the redeeming(prenominal)s more features for the same price of product. While allocating calculate Company would like to maintain same level of service provisions and quality except if at reduced cost and try to earn profit as much as it can. Objectives of the subject To count the concept of cost efficiency. To study importance cost efficiency. To study consequences of cost inefficiency. To study the circumstance study on cost efficiency with reference to Google get Motorola mobility. Re seem methodology The information for the present study is collected through secondary sources i. e. from books, journal, magazines, internet, etc. terminal point of the study- The information for the present study is collected through secondary source no primary source is used. Organizations Profile Google History of Google Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry rascal and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California.While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how umteen times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships in the midst of websites. They called this parvenue technology Page Rank, where a websites relevance was determined by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site. A minor search engine called Rank Dex from IDD Information work designed by Robin Li was, since 1996, already exploring a similar strategy for site-scoring and page r anking.The technology in Rank Dex would be conspicuoused and used later when Li founded Baidu in China. Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine Back Rub, because the system checked back links to look the importance of a site. Eventually, they flip-flopd the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word googol, the number one followed by one hundred zeros, which was picked to signify that the search engine wants to provide large quantities of information for pot. Originally, Google ran under theStanford University website, with the domains google. stanford. edu and z. stanford. edu. The domain name for Google was registered on kinsfolk 15, 1997 and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in a whizzs garage in California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee. In May 2011, the number of monthly incompar adequate to(p) visitors to Google surpassed 1 one million million for th e first time, an 8. 4 portion increase from May 2010 (931 zillion). Mission of Google Google Inc. s an American multinational weed which provides Internet-related products and run, including Internet search, cloud computing, packet and advertising technologies. Advertising revenues from Ad Words generate almost all of the companys profits. Google is a global technology attractor which focuses on improving the ways people connect with information coition to the industry Internet and Computer package. The company mission is to organize the worlds information and make it universally reach satisfactory and useful.Its product lines include Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Tools for Publishers, Local, and Enterprise. Google has became one of the most recognized brand in the world and achieved Market Share of 65. 5% (May 2011) in Search Engine Business. Google became the 4th largest technology company in USA. Rapid harvest-home since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond the companys core web search engine. The company offers online productivity package including email, an office suite, and social networking.Googles products extend to the desktop as well, with applications for web browsing, organizing & editing photos, and instant messaging. Google leads the development of the android mobile operate system, as well as the Google Chrome OS browser-only run system, found on specialized net books called Chrome books. Google has been estimated to run over one million servers in data c embarks around the world and process over one billion search requests and about twenty-four peta bytes of user-generated data every day. As of September 2009 Alexa listed the main U. S. focused google. com site as the Internets most visited website, and numerous international Google sites as being in the top hundred, as well as whatsoever(prenominal) former(a) Google-owned sites such as YouTube, Bl ogger and Orkut. Google also ranks number two in the BrandZ brand equity database. The dominant foodstuff position of Googles services has led to reprehension of the company over pops including privacy, copyright, and censorship. Googles Organizational Structure According to Fortune and All Business magazines, Google is the fourth-most admired company in the United States.Google was also listed as the top company to work for in both 2007 and 2008. The main reason for this employee admiration is Googles cross-functional organizational structure, which the company maintains though stellar leadership and sophisticated management techniques. Motorola History of Motorola Paul V. Galvin and his br opposite, Joseph E. Galvin, purchase a battery eliminator business in Chicago. In September 1928 they named the company Galvin Manufacturing Corporation. Galvin Manufacturing Corporations first product they develop is a battery eliminator which allows electronic devices to run on electricity rather than batter.The name Motorola was given to Galvins first car stereo. Motor stands for car and ola stands for sound. From 1936 onwards, Galvin yield lines dominate by manufacturing radios for cars and receivers up to 1947 where they produce their first television and the company name changes from Galvin Manufacturing Corporation to Motorola hardly then continue manufacturing communications mediums. In 1967, Motorola expands into the quest countries Australia, good dealada, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and West Ger galore(postnominal).In 1969, Motorola starts to supply the National American Space Agency (NASA) with radio equipment so astronauhts can communicate with their Earthly bases. The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong communicated with Earth whilst on the Moon using a Motorola Radio. In 2000 Motorola and General Instrument Corporation merged to enhance their services and in 2001 Moto rola introduces the Motorola v60 rally the world first metal mobile phone which is available on the cellular networks GSM, TDMA and CDMA. In 2002 Motorola developed released a GPS chip that could be installed into consumer electronics to alter location positioning.Also Motorola released a 3G which is transmitted over CDMA network. Finally, Motorola releases the Cross-Technology PoC product line that enables subscribers to have push-to-talk connectivity across and between GPRS, CDMA2000 1X, and WiFi networks and Motorola releases Ojo Personal Video Phone. Ojo promises broadband connectivity and a picture phone that doesnt break up which is commonly known with video phones. Mission of Motorola Motorola wants to make phone chargers to strap onto millions of owners bikes in emerging nations because mobile phones are often the only type of phone they own.For many people in those countries, he verbalise, a mobile phone is often the first interaction with a computer or the Internet. Gl obally and locally, Motorolas mission is to make everything mobile communication, music, photos, Internet, television. And especially putting content wherever customers want it. Chris White from Motorolas multimedia experience part discussed what Zander called the two biggest customer frustrations getting music onto a mobile phone and getting pictures off of it. Motorola has partnered with Microsoft to bring DRM technology to its phones.Users pass oning be able to download music from a variety of online music stores into Windows Media Player. Songs can then be dragged, dropped and synched with the phone. In regard to photos, Motorolas new Rizr Z6 phone pull up stakes have a 2-megapixel television camera whose pictures can be sent wirelessly over Bluetooth to a Kodak EasyShare printer. Organizational structure of Motorola The company adopts a more flat organizational structure compared to Nokia and Ericsson and grants more potency to the second level management.Within divisions , the Vice Presidents of the respective segments are authorized to adopt the i visual sense organizational pattern as an example, matrix approach for new product development divisions/departments, whereas a line or staff structure for production area. The company favors interdepartmental and cross functional teaming of employees and also adopts employee empowerments schemes to make sincere the lacunae in organizational structure, caused out-of-pocket to centralization of functions. The flat organization of Motorola enables the implementations of management decisions at a faster rate.Concept of cost efficiency Definition of cost efficiency cogency is the ratio of output to input. A system is cost efficient if, relative to an otherwise system, its output cost less per unit of input. A system increases its cost efficiency when it maintains output with less than proportionate increase in input. Efficiency is divided into 2 parts, they are- allocative efficiency and x-efficiency. All ocative efficiency is concerned with the allocation of given resources between alternative uses in ways that maximize social welfare.X-efficiency is concerned with producing more output without any change in the allocation of inputs. It therefore focuses on inefficiencies such as overstaffing and managerial waste. The act of saving money by making a product or performing an activity in a better way is nothing scarce cost efficiency. Cost efficiency is a concept which is concerned with comparing assorted ways of achieving the same thatt such that the most cost-effective choice will be the least costly of the alternatives being compared. Cost efficiency takes into account not only the price, but other factors too.Cost efficiency is more expensive at first but in the long run it will save money. This cost efficiency refers to the use of resources so as to maximize the production of goods and services. In accountancy, the cost is express more efficient than another (in relative ter ms) if it can provide more goods and services for society without using more resources. In absolute terms, a situation can be called efficient if No superfluous output can be obtained without change magnitude the amount of inputs. Production proceeds at the lowest possible per-unit cost.These definitions of efficiency are not exactly equivalent, but they are all encompassed by the idea that a system is efficient if nothing more can be achieved given the resources available. The term cost efficiency is a situation in which an organization maximizes benefit and profit, while minimizing effort and expenditure. Maximization of efficiency is a balance between two extremes. Managed correctly, it reduces cost, waste, and duplication. The greater the efficiency, the more thriving organization becomes.The organizations today attempt to be more customer-responsive than efficient in this sense, and the notion of such an ordered and impersonal efficiency has lost favor in an era when crea tivity and innovation are valued as a competitive reinforcement. A goal of media marketing that is aimed at minimizing advertising expenses incurred while maximizing product promotion to a target market in terms of breadth and frequency of exposure. Maximizing cost efficiency in a marketing campaign is extremely desirable for a business since the greatest product exposure is achieved for the least amount of financial investment.Importance of cost efficiency The importance of cost efficiency programs within a company cannot be overstated. Companies that are losing money, need to increase profits, or must become more competitive need to cut expenses in order to succeed. Knowing how to implement effective cost reduction strategies can be the determining factor in the survival of a business. Keeping a combative Advantage A good manager understands the importance of cost reduction to the health of a company. Bloated expense accounts can eat up profits quickly.A cost efficiency plan i s one that focuses on lowering costs in every business activity. The activities vary by type of business but the concept of cost reduction and its efficiency does not vary. The importance of cost reduction and efficiency plans is related to the most common reasons why expenses must be cut in a business. Need for increased profits Improved competitive standing Preserve company resources Reduce waste Improved productivity It is not easy to compete in the market today.Rising prices, shifting fuel rates, global competition, varying labor rates around the world, and spiraling health insurance costs have made cost control a moving target. Sometimes it seems that a company gets one set of expenses under control, and in the meantime, another area of the company begins experiencing cost overruns. It is a never ending battle to maintain company profitability. Cost efficiency can be achieved utilizing several(predicate) approaches. A company can Reduce existing expenses Eliminate unnec essary expenses Modify business strategies which affect the types of business expenses Replace higher expenses with lower expenses for same items The importance of cost efficiency strategies cannot be understated, especially when a company is struggling to maintain profitability. Areas that can be reviewed for expense reductions include the following. Telecommunications Leases Materials Office supplies Maintenance costs withdraw Utilities When a company must generate more cash as fast as possible, management will have to decide which costs can be most in effect reduced.If the reduction is needed quickly, expenses cut first will normally be those that are not fixed or at one time tied to production. It is not a good idea to drastically reduce expenses that produce the company product or service without careful evaluation. If your company understands the importance of cost efficiency as a tool to increase profitability, the company will have a much better chance of remain fat no matter what stage of the economic cycle is occurring. That is because cost efficiency is an effective tool that can be responsive to a companys need. Managing expenses is just as important as managing revenue.A regular review of costs can prevent a company from wasting money resulting from bad habits. No matter whether it is good times or bad, the importance of cost efficiency strategies never changes. Consequences of cost inefficiencies The theory of inefficiency states that the distribution of resources between alternatives does not fit with consumer taste (perceptions of costs and benefits). For example, a company may have the lowest costs in productive terms, but the result may be inefficient in allocative terms because the real or social cost exceeds the price that consumers are willing to pay for an extra unit of the product.This is true, for example, if the smashed produces pollution (see also external cost). Consumers would prefer that the firm and its competitors p roduce less of the product and charge a higher price, to internalize the external cost. Cost plays an important role in running of the business. Unfortunately, a business or a firm or an organization faces many problems due to improper use of cash held with them. In other word, it is also said as facing the consequences of cost inefficiency.Organizations have disparate range of problems than their large counterparts, due to their inability to enjoy some of the same advantages in the marketplace. Most of these problems are due to revenue and cash-on-hand availability when the bills come due. But confronting these obstacles before they become a headache can help you to prevent them from becoming a major issue for your company through the study of cost efficiency. Following are the consequences faced by an organization- Cash Flow The most important issue to any small business entrepreneur is cash flow.It does not help a small business to have a profitable upcoming quarter already si gned on the dotted line, if the payroll for this Friday does not have sufficient funds to pay your employees. Businesses which book revenue in advance, but do not realize the income for a period of months afterwards, must be especially careful with this timing. The future ledger may be showing nothing but green, but if the cash-on-hand dips into the red, a crisis may be coming sooner than your revenue can forestall it. Maintain lines of credit sufficient to keep your cash flow profound as necessary, and keep a rainy day account if possible.Unforeseen Expenses Start-up companies and small businesses frequently run close to the bone and may be profitable only so long as unplanned events never occur. A retail store which clears $ one hundred fifty,000 per year after expenses may seem to be in good shape, until a slip-and-fall lawsuit against the store awards the plaintiff $1. 3 million and there is no insurance coverage. Even smaller expenses, such as a one-time political sympathies levy on all businesses in a region, or a rise in the cost of goods, can cause a major change in the bottom line.Use your available credit when you need to tide over your short-term cash crunch, but keep a close eye on your long-term profitability to ensure that your overall liquidity is not threatened by the change in costs. Catastrophic Change A large corporation will probably survive the loss of a key executive to a debilitating injury or death, but these things frequently close small businesses when that person represents a large chunk of the available labor forceespecially when the entrepreneur herself is that person. Likewise, a natural disaster or other major disruption can close a business for weeks or months.Whenever possible, have cash on hand and business policies to ensure that you will be able to reopen as soon as possible, or wether the temporary loss of a key employee, and then check your business plan to see if any of your prior assumptions have been changed by the ne w circumstances Once the organization identifies the sources of waste, and how much it is costing business, it should look at the most cost-effective way to reduce it. Its a good idea to focus initially on quick wins things you can do immediately that will reduce waste almost instantly. You king also want to consider uick fixes putting in place a temporary solution to a problem to give you time to design a more permanent answer. It is essential to give priority to cost improvements, as making a change to eliminate a problem might not always be cost-effective. The main focus should be on lucking with those problems which are most costly to the business because it will have the biggest impact on your profits. A case study Google purchase Motorola mobility About the Deal The Google, online giant on 15 appalling, 2011 made an announcement to buy Motorola Mobility, a maker of handsets and other electronic devices.Google Management Agreed to buy Motorola Mobility for $ 12. 5 billion. This is the largest surprising acquisition by Google paying a premium of 63% to the 12th August, 2011 ending price ($40. 00 per share) of Motorola Mobility. The deal not only treated as a surprise, it will have a big impact on the mobile industry too. Motorola shareholders will get $40 a share in cash, the companies said in a statement today. Thats 63 percent more than Motorola Mobilitys closing price on the New York Stock Exchange on Aug. 12. Both boards have approved the takeover.This is a Vertical Merger (which companies at different places in a chain of products join together). Here, Hardware Client (Motorola) acquired by the Software Client (Google) Google expects to complete the transaction by early 2012. As recently as March, the deal was slowed to a crawl when the Chinese government expanded its investigation of the purchase. China finally cleared the deal this past weekend. Google had received approval for the deal from both the U. S. Department of Justice and the Europea n Commission in February. The purchase also was approved by officials in Israel and Taiwan, leaving China as the hold up holdout.The purchase will help Google defend itself against various clear infringement lawsuits over the Android operating system, since Motorola has one of the smart-phone industrys largest patent libraries. Page also hailed the purchase as something that will allow Google to gain a bigger foothold in the mobile market. A Google phone running Android could be very marketable not only to consumers but to IT departments that need to outfit workers with mobile devices. Basically, owning both the handset computer hardware and the operating system could be a almighty combination that could drive Android adoption.Google has been working to expand its business into other hardware ventures. With Motorola, Google may be better able to push its way into the sign of the zodiac entertainment market with its Google TV platform. In addition to being a world-renowned smart -phone maker, Motorola also is a major player in the home set-top cut sector. why Google plans to buy Motorola mobility? Google is moving into hardware, which is very different from what theyve done all along, said Darren Hayes, a computer science professor at Pace University. Its very voiceless for a company to be able to be a successful software and hardware company.It worked for Apple to be in the hardware and software industries, but not all companies have been that successful. Googles move toward Apples close management of software and hardware signals a departure from its previous path and suggests Google may be dissatisfy with its current software licensing arrangements, which have led to the proliferation, but also fragmentation, of its Android mobile operating system. Google is moving into hardware, which is very different from what theyve done all along, said Darren Hayes, a computer science professor at Pace University. Its very difficult for a company to be able to b e a successful software and hardware company. It worked for Apple to be in the hardware and software industries, but not all companies have been that successful. Googles move toward Apples close management of software and hardware signals a departure from its previous path and suggests Google may be dissatisfied with its current software licensing arrangements, which have led to the proliferation, but also fragmentation, of its Android mobile operating system.Most directly, the deal marks a defensive maneuver in the high-stakes patent war that has pitted the worlds largest technology companies against one another in dozens of drawn-out intellectual property (IP) disputes. Google CEO Larry Page framed the acquisition as a means to comfort Googles Android mobile operating system against anti-competitive threats by shoring up his companys arsenal of patents.Analysts agree that Motorolas 17,000 patents and 7,500 patent applications are a major win for Google, which lacks a robust port folio of wireless patents relative to more established players and has been vulnerable to lawsuits from the likes of Apple, Microsoft and Oracle. Over forty lawsuits have been filed against Android, and ongoing patent disputes threaten to impose licensing fees on the software Google has given away to phone manufacturers for free, potentially jeopardizing Androids explosive growth. Google is a relatively new entrant in the mobile space and does not have a lot of mobile IP, so anything it can do to build up its IP in the wireless space will help reduce potential risk to the company from lawsuits in the future, said Ovum analyst Nick Dillon. If you look at Motorolas history and role in pioneering mobile communications from the very start, youll see they have some really key patents that will be useful to Google. Yet patents are only part of the story, experts say. The acquisition suggests that Google sees itself as ineffectual to adequately compete in the mobility market without its own handset manufacturer.Googles bet is that having greater control over smartphone software and hardware will help it move beyond the desktop and beyond search. Owning Motorola will allow Google, more than ever before, to create mobile devices that satisfy the web giants vision for what cellphones and tablets should be able to do. A new breed of Motorola smart-phones could be designed from the ground up to integrate Google products at every turn, from featuring the Google-plus social network to adding near field communication chips that allow cell-phones to be substituted for credit separate via Google Wallet.Fundamentally, Motorola offers Google a bridge from the digital to the physical world, and with it, a means of gaining valuable information about its users, such as their locations or what applications they use the most. Though Google said that it will continue to license its Android software, its mobile strategy will cease being at the mercy of third-party handset manufactur ers like HTC and Samsung. Instead, Google will able to dictate the price, distribution and features of its own line of devices. Google also stands to bolster its efforts to gain inroads into the living room by preading to TVs. Google TV, which was unveiled lat year but was unable to gain much traction, may stand a better chance when paired with Motorolas set-top box offerings. Until now, Google has been essentially hands off when it comes to hardware it has offered its Android software to manufacturers at zero cost, without a having a say in the form of the phones Android will power. This disruptive and unorthodox strategy has allowed Google to gain enormous market share in very little time, overtaking Apple to claim 48 percent of the global smart-phone market, according to Canalys.To some extent, quality has been sacrificed for quantity as Android has expanded to more than 150 million devices made by more than thirty different manufacturers. Google frequently updates its Android so ftware, but app developers, manufacturers and carriers are not always able to keep up, resulting in a proliferation of different versions of the Android operating system offering a range of experiences for users. Depending on Googles relationship with the handset manufacturer, or the manufacturers approach to upgrades, a consumer could purchase a smart-phone running outdated software, straight out of the box.Not all Android apps perform equally on different versions of the software, an issue that has been a source of frustration for users and developers alike. Googles new approach controlling the smart-phone experience from end-to-end mirrors the vertical-integration strategy Apple has pursed with spectacular success, but one that has recently been a bust for the likes of Nokia and Research in Motion. Nokia, for example, recently ceded its top spot as the worlds largest smart-phone vendor to Apple and announced it would retire its Symbian operating system in favor of Microsofts W indows Phone software.Google is staking billions on its ability to success justy control both the software and hardware components of its companys devices all while not alienating its partners, who have been instrumental in Androids rise and with whom Google will directly compete once the Motorola acquisition is complete. Google has had history of picking favorites, but its never directly competed with manufacturers, said Ovum analyst Dillon. Manufacturers have come out with statements of support. But whats said in public in one thing, and whats said behind closed doors is another. Benefits of the deal Google and Motorola Mobility together will accelerate innovation and choice in mobile computing. Consumers will get better phones at lower prices. Motorola Mobilitys patent portfolio will help protect the Android ecosystem. Android, which is open-source software, is vital to competition in the mobile device space, ensuring hardware manufacturers, mobile phone carriers, application s developers and consumers all have choice. The purchase of Motorola Mobility by Google has stimulated some technophiles and alarmed others.The first point of concern, at least from the customers perspective, is whether or not Motorolas Android smart-phone platform would become the exclusive domain of Google customers. The acquisition for certain puts Android operating systems on better footing as they compete against Apples iPhone, and with Googles capital resources, more money is sure to pour into Android technology. Following are some reasons why the Google-Motorola deal makes sense Integration may be all that matters in the wireless industry.Apples hardware-software-ecosystem business model brings better profit margins, can grab market share and seems to delight consumers. Googles Android effort could be a bit like herding cats. The larger question is whether the vertically integrated model is the only one that works in the wireless industry. Google lands its patent treasure trove. If you consider that Google was going to pay nearly $4 billion for Nortels 6,000 wireless patents, $12. 5 billion for Motorola Mobility doesnt look like a big chunk of change. With Motorola Mobilitys patents, Google can fend off lawsuits.In other words, Google builds out its patent portfolio. On a conference call, Page called out patents as a big reason for the Motorola Mobility acquisition. Google gets a TV play. While Googles Motorola acquisition primarily revolves around wireless devices, theres a significant living room play here. Why? Motorola Mobility has a significant set-top box business. In the cable box world, there are two players Cisco and Motorola Mobility, which is the leader. Google will get significant relationships with cable providers and give Android more of a foothold.Theres a good chance that Google can keep hardware partners in the foldfor now. Page reiterated that Google will keep Android open source and work with partners such as HTC and Samsung. Also keep in mind that this Google-Motorola deal could win it some goodwill with hardware partners. Motorola was thinking about suing other Android hardware makers over patents. Googles acquisition would put an end to that. The deal forces Microsofts hand. When it comes to the art of war, Google and Motorola force Microsofts hand a bit.With the Google-Motorola deal, Page is basically acknowledging that theres no money in third-party operating systems in the mobile space. The upshot Mobile software players need a hardware component. As a result, Microsoft may be forced to acquire a hardware player. Research in Motion and Nokia are prime takeover candidates. In any case, Microsoft will be distracted by a big acquisition. And Android boxes in Nokia and marge. With Motorola, which has some enterprise credibility and Android innovations, Google can enter the enterprise easier.As a result, RIM increasingly looks like the odd man out. Nokia is already under fire as it waits for Windows Phone 7 to gain traction. RIM is betting on QNX as an operating system. Google is indicating that the wireless market is a two-platform race. And those two horses are going to be Android and iOS. Challenges of the deal Google acquisitions may lead to serious channel conflict, it will lead to a direct competition with other hardware partners like Samsung, HTC etc. , and the hardware manufacturing is a very different area withGoogles core business.The deal raises the following major challenges 1. HTCand Samsung, two of the leadingAndroid-based smart-phone makers, feel about the fact that their partnerGoogleis now competing directly with them for hardware sales. 2. Need to change the perceptions of the Investors that are not perceived the deal in a positive way. 3. Management Cultures of Software and hardware companies are almost different it is one of the challenge for the Google while framing the policies that would not reach to management destructions or management failures 4.By this Acqui sition Google employee strength would increase by 19000 which eventually belittle the profits of the business. Its question to the management in effective utilization of man power in value generation. Valuation of the Deal Swap ratio determination using market value method Particulars Google Motorola Market capital 1,71,94,00,00,000 11,21,00,00,000 Equity 46,24,10,00,000 1,73,20,00,000 Market capitalization of the merged entity 1,83,15,00,00,000 Share of google 93. 8% Share of mmi 6. 12% Post merger equity of google 49,25,57,81,959 Post merger equity of mmi 3,01,47,81,959 Hence, 1 equity share of google is equal to 11. 6019003 11. 56 of mmi Market price at the time of deal (august 12) 563. 77 24. 47 Additional premium paid to mmi 280. 8921499 49. 82% By this Market Valuation Method this deal is Viable for Google at a premium of 50% Why is Google willing to pay a 63% premium?Google is expecting the following benefits from MMI by this Acquisition. Operationa l Benefits Google can Access all the product lines of MMI cell phone, set-top boxes and tablet which are having a very good market share Android software has made considerable inroads in the smartphone market with 150 million devices and 550,000 activations a day. Now, Google can compete with Global Leader like APPLE in future in hardware and software industry accounting system Benefits Tax benefit Acquiring loss making company by a profit making companyGoogle can make a tax advantage each year till 2019 can utilize the losses. Synergy Expectations Fragmentation and a Better The Android market is currently heavily fragmented but the developers facing problem for designing the applications by this synergy Google will solve this problem by building a better Android OS with a lot of applications. Diversification and Google Vallet Despite being a little over a decade old Google maintained the same portfolio now this deal brings new business focus hardware products, mobile computing. Invasion of Living RoomThe Google TV user interface that was launched earlier in May, 2011and Motorola is a strong player in the set-top box and home devices market this beg can expand presence of Google TV products into the living room. Patent The mobile computing industry has become a hotbed for patent disputes and thrust in the patent war. Google having about 1,000-odd patents this acquisition gives access to more than 17,000 patents and 7,000 pending patents held by Motorola. Google will now be able to successfully defend itself against a barrage of patent lawsuits filed by Apple, Microsoft and other rivals Hardware and Software synergy (Vertical Integration)This results in product efficiency and cost efficiency. Apple sneaking(a) to become No. 1 Technology Company Integrating hardware and software and the results are iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices that have become leaders in their respective market segments. Views about the Deal Management View Larry Page, CEO of Google, s aid, I look forward to welcoming Motorolans to our family of Googlers. Mr. Page said I was confident this deal will be approved by regulators it tremendously beneficial to consumers, For consumers, Once Motorola is owned by Google the handset maker could more aggressively ncorporate a technology called salutary Field Communications (NFC) that is used for mobile payments and is supported by a version of Googles Android called Gingerbread. Investors Perception about the Deal Google This Adventurous move in entirely different kind of business, one that could destroy its partnerships (and margins) in one of its most important new Business Lines. Early Investors not perceived the deal in a positive way it results Google stock has gotten smacked in the pre-market. Another fact that could be worrying investors is that the Google-Motorola deal includes a $2. billion reverse break-up fee. MMI The inside Intention of MMI to get separated from its parent company is to get out in a bett er price and by showing its market growth among its products it got a chance to exit in a premium price leads to huge hike in the stock prices. The official SEC report outlines how Google weight-lift against themselves and paid $4 billion more than the initial high-end target for tender. The Self-Bidding War In July, Google started by floating the idea of buying Motorola for a high-$20s, low-$30s (per share) figure. On August 1st, an official bid of $30. 0 per share was made. Over the course of the next week and a half, however, Google would make two additional bids $37. 00 and $40. 00 per share representing a full 33 percent increase from their initial offer, or $4 billion extra in total spent. How did Google get into a bidding war when no one else was bidding? It started before Google even made its initial offer. Googles Andy Rubin first approached Motorola in July, looking to purchase the companys patent portfolio. This attempt to expand mobile patent assets stemmed from a fa iled attempt to acquire Nortels patent portfolio in April.However, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha indicated that that it could be problematic for Motorola Mobility to continue as a stand-alone entity if it sold a large portion of its patent portfolio, according to the SEC filing. This prompted Google to look at buying the whole company rather than just its patents. Google then floated a low-$30s bid as an initial cap. On August 1, Google sent a letter to the Motorola Mobility Board of Directors proposing an acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Google for $30. 00 in cash per share. Motorola has approximately 299 million shares currently, so that bid equated to $9 billion.In response, Motorola brought on Quatalyst Partners, an independent investment bank. It was a Quatalyst representative who contacted Google on August 5 and suggested a bid of $43. 50 per share or a total bid of approximately $13 billion total, according tothe New York Times. Google upped their bid to $37. 00 per share ($11 billion), but continued to push for a fast and confidential buy. Motorola and Quatalyst leveraged Googles intensity by declining the second bid and suggesting a proposed price of $40. 50 or higher. Google made the offer of $40. 00 per share, or $11. 96 billion.Added to the additional options and awards (approximately 29 million shares with alternate sources or pricing), we come to $12. 5 billion our final figure. Did Google Overpay? From the moment the $12. 5 billion figure was released, analysts called the purchase an high-sounding buy, and the realization that Googles initial cap would have been would have been closer to $9. 4 billion just affirmed that notion. After all, $40. 00 per share was a 63 percent increase when compared with Motorolas last after-market trading value. But Google wasnt just buying a company. More than anything, Google was buying patent protection.In the world of mobile, manufacturers are already signing patent licenses with Microsoft that cost $5 to $12 per unit, fighting battles against Apple, and Google themselves are involved in their biggest lawsuit yet with Oracle. In total, these lawsuits and licensing fees may cost Google and their partners billions of dollars, which explains why Google is willing to pay an inflated price. Google was also buying Motorolas silence They didnt want to get involved in a bidding war with competitors who could then use Motorolas patents against Android. By bidding against themselves, they removed the incentive to open the floor to public bids.It was an expensive move, but one that offered important legal protections and access to hardware technology in a key industry. Suggestions Key factors that we feel need to implement in order to make this deal successful Google need to strengthen the following segments that creates synergy in value positioning. Management Efficiency Focus on stretegy that make effective use of newly added 19000 manpower Patent Efficiency First 17000 and plus remaining 750 0 patents been used in new technology creation need by the market space Cost Efficiency Strict Implementation of control mechanisms over the business. Profit Maximization This was the ultimate objective of this acquisition if Google implemented all the strategies as per mentioned in this case it has more possibility to reduce the chances of failure of the deal. Can achieve its targeted mile stone Conclusion The concept of saving money by making a product or performing an activity in a better way is nothing but cost efficiency. So with the help of this project we can conclude that cost efficiency helps in increasing profits of the business organization.Cost efficiency improves the standard of an organization and makes it more competitive in todays business world. Most importantly, with the help of this theory of cost efficiency a company can preserve its resources and more obviously can use it in its future. Cost efficiency also helps in bring down wastage in organization. This lea ds to earning of more profit and less cost expenses. On the other hand, a business or a firm or an organization faces many problems due to improper use of cash held with them. In other word, it is also said as facing the consequences of cost inefficiency.Organizations have different range of problems than their larger counterparts, due to their inability to enjoy some of the same advantages in the marketplace. Most of these problems are due to revenue and cash-on-hand availability when the bills come due. But confronting these obstacles before they become a headache can help you to prevent them from becoming a major issue for your company through the study of cost efficiency. In case of Google purchasing Motorola mobility Huge Experts have been watching the current scenario what will be the Googles next step, how efficiently will manage this Hardware product line.How effectively use these synergies if this synergy became successful Google will reach to the sudden highs in a short sp an of time can became the competitor to the Market leader Apple. Now, Google can compete with Global Leader like APPLE in future in hardware and software industry. Well, up till now Google have faced less consequences as the employees of the Google Inc. have being studying cost expenses and try to reserve its resources and patents. Bebliography and webliography List of website- www. mba. com www. marketing. about. com www. ehow. com www. ebrd. com

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Walking Down Memory Lane Park

Salina Vang Narrative Description-FFD Mr. Henshaw APELC 8 June 2011 Walking Down Memory Lane Park Whenever I think of Projects Park it brings back many memories because it was in the nearness where I spent my childhood years. Even though it was just for a sm totally portion of my life, for one of the longest times it was the place where I had the stovepipe memories of courageous acts. Project Park was where I experienced the smelling of ever being around others my age and it where I met the coolest people and made the best friendships, rough of whom I am still friends with to daylight.It was the place where at that point in time I lived my life to the fullest. Projects Park was located in isolation on its own block at the very end of the road. During the daytime children from all over the neighborhood came to play with their family and friends, me included. However when the sun went down night crept in turning the sky an ominous shade of antiquity and along with it, it brought c reatures of the night to roam among the site. virtuoso evening upon entrance to the park I remembered the story somebody once told me, one could see the glare of two floating red eyes following those who meandered around the park at night. Rejecting the notion, and still a bit superstitious I entered the park anyways. As the sun went down it created an illusion as if the shadows were waking up from their dark crevices. I was standing at the foot of a shadow from a tall tree towering over me. The sun setting turned those tree-branches into arms grazing along the cementum seeming as if they wanted to grab me. At the further end of the block a tall street lamppost lit up a douse fire dull enough just to see the path of the park. Night had come and it was so quiet my eardrums hurt and ever flavor I took send chills down my body.As I approached the swings I noticed the echoes of my footsteps had just suddenly started lasting longer than they should have. I took another step with my left foot, stopped, and then heard the impertinent echo of another step after that. Looking down at my left foot, it was exactly where I had left it, somehow, the long echoed steps had not stopped, but were now storming towards me faster and louder than ever exchangeable a violent beating thunderstorm. Immediately, I turned around and in that instant, it stopped, a split second of unawares silence. Some occasion was definitely wrong.I felt like a hole had been punched right through me sending waves of fear down my back making my hair stand at their ends. My sudden instincts told me to approach the swings for comfort. However I remembered that I had caught seeing a swing move on its own accord before as if individual was riding on its seat. The feeling of terror, noticeably aroused in my appearance by now, made me want to run for the wide open subject. The open field was the highly vivid field of wherein games were held because of its noticeable boundaries of where the green gra ss ended and the sharp concrete cement began.Now after dark, it seemed to lay awaiting and full of hunger for something to step onto its surface so it could suck them into its dark ruptured depths. It, during the daytime acted as a virtuous grass field wherein competition took its place. It was the place in the park where cries of victories could be heard and where one could also seek for rivalry. Suddenly just filled with thoughts of competition I was overcome with memories and had forgotten about the dark surrounding me. One of the games always played was Kick the Can.This games boundary took up the whole neighborhood allowing for a lot of space. It was one of my favorite games because there was always one person it. Their goal was to spot every other player and try to get them out, at the same time, guarding the base containing the can. However with one person on one team and everyone else on the rivalry team it created several disadvantages. Players on the team with more people crouched between slits in the earth and hid indoors the shadows waiting for that intense moment when their rival finally looked away.At last with the opportunity they jumped out of their hiding places running as fast as their legs could carry them for the view to kick the can. It was the only way to free all of their teammates from jail. Moreover for me personally the best stir up was being the person hiding from the rival. I loved the feeling of running from the enemy, acting like I was a ninja hiding against walls, climbing up trees, and maneuvering my way behind fences to escape the chance of being caught.At the time, I thought it was the perfect space for me to roam around freely and still feel comfortable and safe because most of the people living in the neighborhood were neighbourly and didnt mind the company. Unfortunately, there were those who disliked it and I did my best to avoid them. One again acknowledging my surroundings, I built up the courage to keep walkway al ong the path as if everything was normal. I recalled the best of times shared here in this park with my friends, where we had our best of times playing, talking and sharing our awesome made up stories of us coming together to be a complete family.It was also the place where we all learned how to ride our first roulette wheel and to ride our first roller blades after falling on our hands and knees countless times but getting up repeatedly to try all over again. Now walking along the path I remember the time when one of my best childhood friends, Michael Cheng, the cute little male child who on the QT held a crush on me, chased me along the path while I ran for my life from the despair of being hugged and at risk of being soil with boy cooties, and it made me laugh. Sadly I regret that I no longer keep in contact with Michael.If I could go back to the day he moved away, I wouldnt even think twice about asking him for a contact number. With the feelings of fear, courage, and sadne ss all mixed inwardly me, I felt crossed. Then looking back at the path I had just walked and up towards the now barely visible tree that seemed to be taunting me before, I had one last thought before I left the park that night. Standing under the dim light post, I remembered Michael, the boy who I had been running so horridly from it had happened that he was the first boy who I had ever received my first hug from.With that flashback, it gave my stomach the faint clear-cut feeling of rapture evanesce that left me with a bright hint of a smile on my face as I walked away from retention lane park. Today, even though I no longer live in the neighborhood of Projects Park, whenever I visit the place, there is still a part of me that can connect to the park, making it feel like home. Im thankful that I still keep in contact with a partner off friends from the neighborhood and usually, whenever we get together, we can still go on for hours telling each other about our lives of growing up together in the projects.Sadly, I dont keep in contact with most of my friends from the hood any longer. We have been separated by hundreds and thousands of miles far and wide, but, there is one thing I know we all still have in common, the family connection we had within Projects Park that will never be forgotten. In fact, to me, it feels just like yesterday that I was little kid, out freely roller skating, carelessly chasing friends, and enjoying my life to its fullest.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Positioning and Repositioning

Positioning and repositioning Before positioning companies has to do segmentation and targeting. division is dividing the market into segments upon some set of criteria and evaluating the profitability of each segment Targeting is selecting one or more segments and going after them Positioning is how do you want your pit to be considered by consumers when compared to other competing brands. Positioning is based on product features such as color, price, fluffiness, quality of service, innovative approach, etc.Re-positioning is when you want your brand to be considered/associated with distinguishable features. For example, KIA cars has repositioned themselves from being some brand into being a cool brand .. Cadillac has repositioned themselves from being classical car for the rich and old into more affordable charming car Oldsmobile has tried to reposition themselves as not your fathers car but it was unsuccessful repositioning. Re-positioning is quite lot more difficult and expen sive compared to initial positioning.You cast off it away the saying only one chance to make first impression also applies to the world of branding. move Strengthens Lifebuoys 107-Year Heritage 12-02-2002 Lifebuoy is no longer a carbolic strap with cresylic perfume. It is now a milled toilet soap with a new wellness fragrance. The new formulation has an ingredient, Active-B, which offers protection against germs, which can cause stomach infection, affection infection and infections in cuts and bruises. The new health perfume has been selected after one of the most extensive perfume hunts in the industry.The new milled formulation offers a importantly superior bathing experience and skin feel. The new formulation, new health perfume and superior skin feel, along with the popular red colour, have registered conclusive and clear preference among existing and new users. Lifebuoy is al make water employ by about 600 million consumers, with about 2 million tablets sold each day. Th e relaunch strengthens this equity by repositioning the brand. Lifebuoy was previously targeted at the male user with an individual-oriented success through health positioning.The new Lifebuoy is targeted at todays discern housewife with a more inclusive family health protection for my family and me positioning. Introducing the new Lifebuoy Introducing the new Lifebuoy, Mr. Sanjay Dube, Category Head Mass Market of HLLs Detergents Profit Centre, said, Launched in 1895, Lifebuoy, for over a 100 years has been synonymous with health and value. The brick red soap, with its perfume and popular Lifebuoy jingle, has carried the Lifebuoy message of health across the length and breadth of the country, making it the largest selling soap brand in the world.It is to maintain its leadership, and further strengthen its benefits of health to larger sections of consumers, that we have researched and developed this new mix. We have repositioned Lifebuoy and have make a deliberate shift from the m ale, victorious concept of health to a warmer, more versatile, more responsible benefit of health for the entire family. The significant changes in formulation have registered a clear consumer preference. The new perfume has been selected after one of the largest perfume tests in the industry to ensure a universal court without alienating the 600 million loyal users.We are confident that this mix will deliver an enjoyable bath experience and also deliver on the lens nucleus Lifebuoy properties of health and value. This will restore the brands growth by expanding its consumer base, Mr. Dube added. Lifebuoy Range Lifebuoy is among HLLs power brands, which the company is concentrate onsing on, selected on the basis of their haughty size, brand strength, brand relevance, competitive advantage and potential for growth. The new Lifebuoy range now includes Lifebuoy Active Red (125gm, 100 gm and 60 gm) and Lifebuoy Active orangeness (100gm).Lifebuoy Active Orange offers the consumer a differentiated health perfume while offering the health benefit of Lifebuoy. At the upper end of the market, Lifebuoy offers specific health benefits through Lifebuoy International (Plus and Gold). Lifebuoy International Plus offers protection against germs which cause body odour, while Lifebuoy International Gold helps protect against germs which cause skin blemishes. In 2001, HLLs soaps & detergents turnover was Rs. 295 crores, which is approximately 39% of the companys net turnover of Rs. 10972 crores. HLLs power brands in soaps registered an overall growth of 5. 3% in 2001. HLL has been significantly increasing investment behind its power brands, in innovation, quality improvement and marketing. These have been backed by major sales initiatives. In rural India, the focus is to further extend reach, which has resulted in direct coverage of about 46% of the rural population as of now. In urban markets, the objective is to improve node service.Dedicated sales teams have been form ed to service key accounts and wholesalers in larger towns and cities. A cell has been set up to attend to the modern trade, comprising chain stores. Repositioning Strengthens of Maggie positioning Maggi noodles is a brand of instant noodles manufactured by Nestle. Maggi has been the highest sold noodles in India. It is a product of Nestle Brand. It took several years and lots of bullion for nestle to establish its noodles brand in India Maggi was invented in Europe by a person named Jullius Maggi.In India it was launched in 1980s by Nestle group of companies. Maggie had co-ordinated with Nestle family in 1947. Maggie has faced lot of hurdles in its journey in India. The basic problem the brand faced was the Indian psyche. i. e Indians used to be conservative about the food habits so noodles faced a lot of problem in promoting sales. Initially nestle tried to to position the nary(prenominal)dles in the platform of gizmo targeting the working women. However, the sales of Maggi wa s not picking up despite of heavy Media Advertising.To overcome this NIL conducted a research,which revealed that it was children who equald the taste of Maggi noodles and who were the largest consumers of the product. so they came up with Maggi- 2 minute noodles with price of Rs. 2. 10 with a close of 100% margin. NIL shifted its focus from working women and targeted children and their mothers through its marketing. NILs promotions positioned the noodles as a convenience product, for mothers and as a fun product for children. The noodles tagline,Fast to Cook Good to Eat was also in keeping with this positioning.They promoted the product by 1. Distributing free samples. 2. Giving gifts on heel counter of empty packets. 3. Dry sampling-distributing Maggi packets 4. wet sampling distributing cooked Maggi. 5. Availability in different packages 50gm,100gm,200gm,etc.. and 6. Effective Tagline Communication. Through its ads, NIL positioned Maggi as a fun food for kids which mothers cou ld prepare easily. Taglines like Mummy, bhookh lagi hai (Mom, Im hungry), Bas 2-Minute, and Fast to Cook Good to Eat effectively communicated the products benefits to target consumers.These ads had become so popular that the tagline Bas 2-Minute immediately reminded Indian consumers of Maggi noodles even several years after the ads were interpreted off the TV. Maggis first product extension was Maggi instant soups launched in 1988. With the launch of Maggi soups, NIL had become a pioneer in the organized packaged soup market in India.. since then Maggi has been successful in India and launched ketch ups sauces and soups in India, which was very successful in grasping market.Though NIL tried to extend to other ready to eat products like pickles, cooking aids and paste, It was unsuccessful so dumped those products. Maggi is competing with Heinz Sauces and Ketchup, Knoor Soups, Kissin Sauces and Ketchup, Top Ramen, Sunfeast Pasta Wai Wai and 2 PM in corresponding categories of products and variants. Market position of Maggie 1. No. 1 in instant noodles and sauces. 2. No. 2 in healthy soups. 3. Market share of noodles- 80% 4. current sales-5. 5crores boxes in India. Repositioning

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cleanliness Champions

Hand Decontamination With the out take fire of antibiotic resilient infections, infection control is becoming a major concern for health groups all over the ground (WHO, 2011). The risk of infection can be reduced by using three types of go past wash known as social, hygienic and surgical methods (HAI, 2011). societal hand washing is a useful method for removing dirt and transient micro-organisms. Using soap or an alcohol-based gel if hands atomic number 18 non soiled, vigorously clean your hands using the eight stages of hand-washing.This can stop transmission of the transient micro-organisms when in direct gather with patients (NHS, 2009). Alcohol-based hand rubs or gels should not be used alone when infection is present as this alone pull up stakes not kill the spores for infection such as clostridium difficile. After washing hands must be dried properly as failure to do this can increase the transfer of bacteria (Nottingham University Hospitals, 2011). Hygienic hygiene no t only removes transient microorganisms but also reduces resident microorganisms.This is used when preparing to work in a sterile environment, during an outbreak situation or following contact with bodily fluids. Use an antiseptic hand cleanser when washing and vigorously follow the eight steps of hand-washing. After drying properly then apply an alcohol-based hand rub and repeat the eight stages (NHS, 2011). Surgical scrubbing is a longer and more thorough antiseptic wash of both the hands and forearms. Before a surgical procedure this method is designed to remove as many of the micro-organisms as possible.It involves systematic washing and scrubbing of the hands and forearms using the most powerful antibacterial cleansing agent available. Sterile gown and glove procedures are performed following the surgical scrub (NHS, 2010). Effective hand washing can break the chain of infection which is known as the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry and host. If the chain remains entire then infection will develop, therefore, nurses must wash their hands before, during and after ontact with a patient and their environment. This will consequently stop the infection progressing while ensuring micro-organisms do not build up in the environment. Direct and indirect contact transmission involves contact with a contaminated object which may be unwashed hands or gloves that are not changed between patients (HAI, 2011). One of the main principles of good hygiene is the use of personal protective equipment as this forms a skin barrier. It is important to ensure the equipment is intact and decontaminated.The decision to use or wear personal protective equipment must be based on risk assessment associated with the patient care activity or intervention. Personal protective equipment includes gloves, masks, eyewear, caps, gowns, aprons and other items (HAI, 2011). The Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) advises that gloves be worn whenever there is a reasonable likelihood that hands will be in contact with blood or other potentially infectious material, mucous, non-intact skin or when handling contaminated items or surfaces.The safe use and governing of sharps is essential in protecting each and every individual from contamination and injury. The sharps bin can be used to dispose of medical supplies such as needles and syringes. After the use of needles they must be immediately disposed of in the sharps bin (NHS, 2011). All healthcare workers must be aware of their responsibility in avoiding needle stick injuries (NHS, 2007).

The Witch of Blackbird Pond: A Puritan Style of Teaching

The track record, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, is active a young girl named Katherine who is forced to throw her elegant home in Barbados to live with relatives in prude spick-and-span England after her grandfathers death. Katherine has a hard time accepting the melodramatic difference between the ii cultures. For instance, in the generator of the deem Katherine dives into the river to retrieve a toy for a child on the boat. The New Englanders aboard the station stare at her with disapproval because they were not prone to women that knew how to swim. By the end of the book Katherine is charged as a witch because she chose to befriend a ally woman and ref employ to totally reform to the puritan style of life.Education plays a big role in this book in two ways. This novel shows the puritan style of teaching. It to a fault describes the puritan view of who and what nurture was meant for.One of Katherines jobs during her time in New England was to teache in a dame initiate . In her secernate she was suppose to teach the children their alphabet and basic meter reading skills. The proper way to teach the children was through memorisation and repetition. Katherine found this teaching style boring and little effective than her own teaching style which used poetry and acting to keep children attention. One of Katherines lesson plans got kayoed of hand. She had the children act out a part of the countersign and it created a fight between a a few(prenominal) of the students. As the disruption occurred the head master of the school walked in to the room. He was mortified not unless at the misbehavior of the children but also at the activity Katherine had created. Katherine was fired as a go forth of this incident. This part of the book showed that puritans taught through repetition and committal to memory and frowned on creativity in the classroom. It is also externalizeming how much influence their religion had on study.I another part of the book Katherine decides to teach a child, who is unable to go to school, to read. Katherine used a hornbook and ulterior the Bible to teach the child. This part of the story shows the two main materials used to teach children at this time. It also points out that not all children were allowed to go to school.This book gives a good example of how children were taught during the 17th light speed in the New England colonies. You can also see that religion had a great influence on education during this time period. By reading this book I have realized how much the education system has changed, and in my opinion improved, since this countrys beginning.The Witch of Blackbird Pond A Puritan Style of TeachingThe book, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, is about a young girl named Katherine who is forced to leave her elegant home in Barbados to live with relatives in puritan New England after her grandfathers death. Katherine has a hard time accepting the dramatic difference between the two cultures. For instance, in the beginning of the book Katherine dives into the river to retrieve a toy for a child on the boat. The New Englanders aboard the ship stare at her with disapproval because they were not accustomed to women that knew how to swim.By the end of the book Katherine is charged as a witch because she chose to befriend a Quaker woman and refused to totally reform to the puritan way of life. Education plays a big role in this book in two ways. This novel shows the puritan style of teaching. It also describes the Puritan view of who and what education was meant for. One of Katherines jobs during her time in New England was to teache in a dame school. In her class she was suppose to teach the children their alphabet and basic reading skills.The proper way to teach the children was through memorization and repetition. Katherine found this teaching style boring and less effective than her own teaching style which used poetry and acting to keep children attention. One of Kather ines lesson plans got out of hand. She had the children act out a part of the Bible and it created a fight between a few of the students. As the disruption occurred the head master of the school walked in to the room.He was mortified not only at the misbehavior of the children but also at the activity Katherine had created. Katherine was fired as a result of this incident. This part of the book showed that puritans taught through repetition and memorization and frowned on creativity in the classroom. It is also apparent how much influence their religion had on education. I another part of the book Katherine decides to teach a child, who is unable to go to school, to read. Katherine used a hornbook and later the Bible to teach the child.This part of the story shows the two main materials used to teach children at this time. It also points out that not all children were allowed to go to school. This book gives a good example of how children were taught during the 17th century in the N ew England colonies. You can also see that religion had a great influence on education during this time period. By reading this book I have realized how much the education system has changed, and in my opinion improved, since this countrys beginning.

Monday, May 20, 2019

International Trade and Tariff Essay

Tariffs Explain the various impacts of an spell out duty in small races vs. large nations. The impact of an import tariff in a small nation is entirely unlike then an import tariff from a larger nation. When smaller nations imposes a tariff, it does not affect world prices, however the price of the importable commodity will start to rise, usually by the numerate of the tariff for manufacturers and trade in the small nation. When large nations impose a tariff, it will reduce the multitude of trade. Large nation tariffs also improve terms of the nations trade. Since the volume of trade is existence reduced, it tends to lesson the nations upbeat.However it also stomach improve the nations welfare. It depends on the welfare of the nation to if it actually rises or falls depending on the two conflicting forces. What are the three main reasons governments prefer using a tariff to restrict imports versus quotas? A few reasons why tariffs are break away option than import quotas is because, tariffs can generate revenue for the Government, import quotas can lead to administrative corruption, and import quotas can cause smuggling. The reason the government can make money off of tariffs is because there can be a percentage put on imported goods that will generate extra money. there are millions of different things that are imported into a country and the small percentage of tariffs generates a quite a little of revenue that would be lost of the government unless their trade had an authorizing fee on goods being imported. This can lead to administrative corruption, if there are no restrictions on importing goods then the government has the ability to deplume and choose who can import and who cannot. This can give the custom officials a lot of power since they would bedevil the ability to favor and only allow certain corporations. Tariff system helps to rid the possibility of corruptions.This not just the price, but also the quantity sold through supply and ne cessity. Smuggling can conk with an import quota when there are large shortages. A tariff cannot provide a set issuance on the goods or products that are coming into the country so the number of imports will increase when the demand for it goes up. Should our government use a weak dollar exchange rate policy to make imports more expensive in order to help our exporters? The weakening of the U. S. dollar means that the dollar has fallen in value compared other coin. The weak dollar is good for exports, but not good for importers.The value of currency will decrease when the demand for that specific currency is low, which will make importing goods more expensive. A weak dollar can make things difficult for exporters that are selling to the United States. If a abroad company wants to sell goods to the U. S. it either needs to up the price of the product or sell it at a lower price because of the exchange rate. What roles do the IMF and WTO play in trade and the use of tariffs? The IMF or International Monetary Fun is an global business of countries that strives to guarantee the constancy of the worldwide financial and scotch system.The IMF tries to make sure that there is balanced growth to international trade, it promotes exchange constancy and helps to give countries a way to balance payment issues. Tariff rate data comes from the IMF database and the countrys authority figures. The WTO or World Trade Organization is a global company that works on the rules of trade in the midst of two countries. It helps to ensure that international trade moves smoothly and generously. It also gives countries a helpful and just subject for dealing with arguments over importing issues.The WTO regulations permit a nation to defend certain businesses if the elimination of tariffs would abide detrimental side effects, such as the loss of necessary national trade.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Look Before You Leap Essay

Tapiwa had served his employer faithfully for 15 years. He had joined the companionship at the age of twenty and thrived to excel in every trade union movement that was given to him. The gild rewarded him handsomely. He managed to get married to Tafadzwa after operative for five years, and they had two beautiful children. The family enjoyed life since they could afford the very basics. Tapiwa drove to work while Tafadzwa stayed at home and took care of the kinsfolk chores. The economy of the beautiful country of Zimbabwe began to nosedive and inflation reached its peak.Every superstar felt the pinch of the inflation and Tapiwa was no exception. He switched to using public transport as driving was now a preserve of the rich. He would wake up as early as 4AM and get his kids to check. This routine became unbearable because he had to collect them from school into town and assist them to get home. He would get back to work after lunch . He started having problems with his superior s . Although they understood his predicament they could not justify his lateness to work. Frustration began to creep into his head and he began to lose weight.He felt he could not continue and decided to resign from his job. He want for his fathers advice who advised him to wait a bit long-acting as he had entrust that the economy would soon recover . After a long argument, his father gave in and asked him to go up with his plans. He asked for a second opinion from his immediate superior at work. He was advised not to quit but wait a little longer. But, Tapiwa had already made up his mind . He tendered in his resignation notice which was accepted with reservations.He was told his termination benefits would be processed within 3 months as this was company policy. Tapiwa left for South Africa where he hoped to get employed as a chemist. When he got there he discoved that life not as easy as he had expected. Getting a job in his area of training was proving to be a big challenge. He hopped from company to company and from pillar to post seeking for employment as a chemist, but the result was the same, negative. He in conclusion decided to get employment as a popular hand.Working as a general laborer was not easy for Tapiwa. Frustration continued to grow within him. Many times he would curse the leaders of his country saying they were responsible for his problems. In many instances Tapiwa would go to sleep on an empty stomach. When he phoned his wife back home she would be complaining of hunger and how bad things were . It ail him more because the company he was now working for did not honor its part of the contract. After working for six months, he was paid the equivalent of three monthssalary.The reason that his employer gave was company was reeling under the effects of the global economic meltdown. Tapiwa began to lose weight and his face could be mistaken for a patient. One day he decided to call his former employer back home. He was trying to negoti ate for re-engagement. He was told it was told no longer possible because his position had already been filled . It pained him more to learn that people at the company were now earning foreign currency. After the call, Tapiwa took a walk and could be seen talking by himself. Tears rolling down his cheeks and he wept bitterly.He regretted why he ever made a decision of difference his job for greener pastures which he discovered they were not green after all. He blamed no one but himself for putting his family into deep problems. He thought he should have taken a some days leave for a feasibility study. Memories of how he had enjoyed life before the hyperinflationary economy hurt him. canvas his present style of living in South Africa to the life back home haunted his mind even worse. Given a choice between the two he would choose to stay at home with his family.Every time he would sit to meditate, he could not help but remembrance his father telling him not to quit his job, but t o wait for a while. The discussion he had a year ago with his immediate superior at his former employment, vividly played before him. He regretted he should have taken their advice . He had learnt that in life you do not make wise decisions when it comes to important matters. His tummy made a noise indicating to him it was time for refueling. It had been a while since he had a decent meal. He had learned it the harder way.